Friday, September 17, 2010

Slick Internet Explorer 9 Is Fast

IE9 Beta has been released to public and finally it is what everyone wanted it to be, slick, clean and fast, though you can find similarities with other browsers out there. Download it from the official site


Few New Features of IE 9 include
Complete Hardware acceleration – Uses GPU for Rendering
CSS3 support
Improved TAB management, Tab tearing without reload
Pin Tabs to Taskbar similar to applications
Relocation notification bar

Checkout some of these features in action here

I have pinned to my task bar and I can access tasks of twitter like tweet etc from jump list even when the twitter page is not open.

Similar is with

Click here to Download IE 9 Beta Setup. Note that this installer will need live internet connection for installation and need to restart once the installed.


New Relocated Notification Bar to the bottom of the screen that does not distract you while reading a site.


It scored 95 out of 100 in acid3 test, other browser like chrome and opera score total 100.


Enjoy your browsing with IE 9 :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Download Torrents without a client

Torrent2Exe is a simple web application which lets you download a torrent without the need of client on your Windows PC. An executable is generated from a link to the torrent or a torrent file on the disk which automatically downloads your torrent. This helps you to send the exe to your friends who do not have to bother to install a bittorrent client or search for the torrent. Torrent2Exe also provides with links which helps you to publish them on the web so that users can download the torrents without clients.

Now lets try to download a torrent using Torrent2Exe. I choose to download CentOS (Community ENTerprise OS) 64 Bit DVD using torrent. I browsed to one of the download mirrors and copied the link address to the torrent.


Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Microsoft Press Release Education By The Numbers

Recently Microsoft Education Team has release an infographic in US titled Education By The Numbers with collection of data from various sources like US department of Education, National Engineers Week Foundation and Natural Resources Defence Council.


Would like to see similar kind of Infographic on Education in other countries as well :). By the way click on the Image above or here for a better resolution poster.
