Sunday, December 12, 2010

Reset Lost Windows Password

At some point in time everyone who work with Windows would need to reset or clear password of built-in administrator as it was not accessed for long time or it was removed from Domain and no one remembers the password. Many would reinstall Windows in this situation not knowing how to crack the password. In this post we will see how to clear forgotten local administrator password on Windows using free Offline NT Password & Registry Editor.

Offline NT Password & Registry Editor is 4 MB CD based on Linux which contains things needed to reset the passwords on most Windows systems for free. The CD can also be installed on a USB drive and floppy disk as well by following the instructions on the site.

Download the latest version of Offline NT Password & Registry Editor from here. Burn a CD or create a USB or Floppy which ever is suitable for you and configure your system to boot from that device.

When the systems boots from Offline NT Password & Registry Editor the screen would look like the one below with a boot prompt.


Thursday, December 02, 2010