Bicycle has always been mine favourite. Riders in the below videos enjoy adrenaline rush pushing them self and bikes to the limits possible.
Do not forget to switch on your speakers and watch full screen
Because Professionalism is more than consumption, it is contribution
Bicycle has always been mine favourite. Riders in the below videos enjoy adrenaline rush pushing them self and bikes to the limits possible.
Do not forget to switch on your speakers and watch full screen
Citrix recently released new version of XenServer a Hypervisor based on Xen, originally a research project at the University of Cambridge. With the new XenServer 6.1 we get live Storage XenMotion (Not Available in Free Edition) to migrate VMs between Hosts and Pools without shared Storage. With this release we also get new version of System Centre Integration Suite and Performance Monitoring supplemental pack.
It is necessary that we update these supplemental packs when ever we update XenServer. In general we provide Install Media of the supplemental packs when asked for while installing XenServer or by using xe-install-supplemental-pack command.
The easy way is to slipstream the supplemental packs to the XenServer Install media and perform the update or installation. Below are simple steps to slipstream XenServer install media with supplemental packs.
1. Copy or extract all files from XenServer install media to a folder. Mine is XenServer6.1
2. Create one folder for each supplemental pack inside above folder. In my case I am using Integration suite and Performance monitoring supplemental packs and created two folders named packages.integration-suite and packages.perf-monitoring following Citrix’s naming convention for XenServer folders as shown in below screenshot.
3. Copy or extract all the files of supplemental packs to respective folders created above.